Commercially Viable, High-Impact Nonfiction Books by Subject-Matter Experts for Trade, Academic, and Niche Audiences

image with text who I work with and what types of projects

Everything I do is informed by my 10 years of work in the highly competitive publishing industry.

Experience has taught me that to write a high-value, commercially viable nonfiction book, an author must understand, live in, and work from their individual Zone of Competence.

Included in this and related to their book-project goals are 7 Nonfiction Author Core Competences. I help clients understand these core competencies and apply that knowledge to every aspect of their author's journey.

Free 25-minute Service Inquiry, Consultation Call

If you're interested in working with me for one of the services offered below except the 1.5- or 2-hour consultation options and want to connect personally to see if we're a good fit, click here to schedule a free, 25-minute get-to-know-each-other-and-see-what's-next chat.


 Consultation Sessions

1.5 hour: $350

If you're new to writing and the publishing industry, this high-value, budget-friendly option is a great opportunity to ask questions of and brainstorm with an award-winning writer and developmental editor whose clients achieve measurable results.

If you like my presentation and vibe but want to experience working with me at a lower price point before deciding who to work with and at what level, this is a great option. 

If you're experiencing writer's block in any of its many forms (including demand avoidance, analysis paralysis, imposter syndrome, fear, or confusion), this is an excellent option because while most of the advice out there is good in theory, it often fails in practice. It doesn't work for many of us because the advice givers don't take into consideration the difference between thinking and work styles, the real-world situation of the writer (roles, responsibilities, needs, and constraints), and personality and preferences.

We can:

  • talk about the publishing industry in general with its various publishing models (traditional, hybrid/partner, assisted self-publishing, DIY self-publishing) and which options are best for you and your project
  • discuss your goals, interests, preferences, needs, and constraints and sketch a personalized plan to help you get through the writing and revision phase to the pitching and publication phase
  • look at pages of your outline or manuscript to troubleshoot any major issues before you move on
  • and/or assess your author platform and sketch a plan for an author and book awareness campaign (branding/author PR and book promotion/marketing)


  • After our session, I will send you the video/audio file and transcript of our session.
  • You'll receive a 10% discount on follow-up consultations and any other services I offer.

Click here to schedule your consultation.

developmental/Substantive editing

Developmental editing and substantive editing combine to address structural components--a book's intellectual and emotional arcs; parts, chapters, sections or scenes; and the reader's journey-- and finer details of the craft of writing, including pragmatics, rhetoric, semantics, syntax, word choice, grammar, and style.

Together they serve to help you see where and why your book is working to keep the reader engaged and where and why it isn't.

I use your stated goals and my understanding of your ideal reader to frame my assessment and offer clear and actionable recommendations so you can revise the manuscript with confidence, bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

If you'd like to learn more about how I think and communicate ideas to clients, I invite you to listen to this Journey Sixty6 podcast episode: Cristen Iris on Thinking Like a Filmmaker When Writing Your Memoir (How to Write a Memorable Memoir: Structuring and Building Unforgettable Scenes).

project deliverables

  • project launch questionnaire
  • chapter-by-chapter notes with my first impressions
  • multi-page developmental editing report, including a glossary of key words and phrases, feedback related to my category-specific inspection points, and a list of additional resources based on my assessment of your needs
  • in-manuscript comments with specific feedback in context
  • custom video tutorials in which I offer more nuanced feedback and show you how to execute some of my advice
  • AI-generated, time-stamped, and labeled transcript of your custom video tutorials
  • 1-hour follow-up debrief and brainstorming call

$00.04/word (4 cents/word)

Book Proposal & Query Letter Reviews

Are you looking for an editor whose clients are represented by literary agents and have contracts with traditional publishers to review your book proposal and sample chapters (up to 60 pages)? I offer several combinations of feedback to meet different needs, preferences, and budgets.

If you'd like to learn more about how I think and communicate ideas to clients, I invite you to listen to this Journey Sixty6 podcast episode: Cristen Iris on Thinking Like a Filmmaker When Writing Your Memoir (How to Write a Memorable Memoir: Structuring and Building Unforgettable Scenes).

ADVANCED Level Review with Custom Video Tutorial: $1,400

  1. project launch questionnaire
  2. author platform assessment
  3. specific comments and recommendations related to my 10 query letter and book proposal inspection points
  4. custom video tutorial
  5. AI-generated custom video tutorial transcript
  6. proprietary resources, including a glossary of key words and phrases and worksheets to help you better articulate your ideas and execute changes with confidence
  7. 1-hour, recorded follow-up debrief and brainstorming phone call or video meeting

Launch & Delivery: 10-day turn around

Advanced Level Review w/0 Custom Video Tutorial: $1,000

  1. project launch questionnaire
  2. author platform assessment
  3. specific comments and recommendations related to my 10 query letter and book proposal inspection points
  4. proprietary resources, including a glossary of key words and phrases and worksheets to help you better articulate your ideas and execute changes with confidence
  5. 1-hour follow-up debrief and brainstorming phone call or video meeting

Launch & Delivery: 7-day turn around


  • After our debrief, I will send you the video/audio file and transcript of our session.
  • You'll receive a 10% discount on follow-up consultations and any other services I offer.

Ready to Connect?

Click here.

Who I Work With



Doctors, Attorneys, Clinicians

Consultants & Small Business Owners

Entertainers and Athletes


project preferences and specialties

  • human rights/equality, general
  • democracy, public policy, and social issues
  • medical practice and evidence-based medicine
  • law/democracy and human rights
  • epidemiology and medical anthropology
  • film, music, sports (entertainment and craft/skill development)
  • psychology and psychiatry/mental health
  • personal and professional development
  • business development
  • disability and neurodiversity (emic and etic perspectives)
